Antonia and I thought it would be a great idea to start having babies, but since children are just so darned expensive we both thought it would be easier if we grew some plants in the currently unused greenhouse down at the bottom of the garden.
A mere £25 was required for some giant grow bags, Tomato plants, Chillies, Peppers, Cumunger (Jared-ism), Courgettes, Broad Beans, Peas and two types of Lettuce. Having spent a pleasant Monday morning planting the aforementioned i had an epiphany of what to do with the Lettuce to avoid the predictable ravages of the slimy type of creature so fond of soft leaf veggie produce.
I decided to put them in Hanging Baskets, because of this I think i'm a genius and only hope no-one has thought of it before. It seems such a simple idea, i'm hoping it has been overlooked, because the last time I checked, slugs can't fly. I'm half expecting to come down one morning and find one of the slimy bastards doing a 'Tom Cruise' from Mission Impossible down into one of the baskets. If that happens i'm gonna eat my new inflatable boat.
Speaking of which, the new boat is awesome. I got it for the upcoming trip to the Norfolk Broads. After speaking to a few locals, funnily enough, down one of the locals. They informed me that sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to moor up along the banks of some of the more popular or just plain small stops along the way. Therefore it is not unusual to moor up in the middle of a 'broad' and then take a dinghy to shore. Sadly the 4-man inflatable I ordered was not going to be available in time, so I opted for a three man. Which should do fine, either we somehow all fit in (and hopefully don't sink) or we do two trips. I reckon it will not only be amusing, especially when we're pissed, but also a good bit of excercise.
Wisely, I also bought some triple braided rope. Small but durable, for attaching to oars and possibly the boat itself. I was considering getting an electric winch fitted to the boat and a laucher so someone could send off one end of the rope to the dinghy, which could then be pulled in. Then I remembered this was a holiday, not an episode of the A-Team.
A mere £25 was required for some giant grow bags, Tomato plants, Chillies, Peppers, Cumunger (Jared-ism), Courgettes, Broad Beans, Peas and two types of Lettuce. Having spent a pleasant Monday morning planting the aforementioned i had an epiphany of what to do with the Lettuce to avoid the predictable ravages of the slimy type of creature so fond of soft leaf veggie produce.
I decided to put them in Hanging Baskets, because of this I think i'm a genius and only hope no-one has thought of it before. It seems such a simple idea, i'm hoping it has been overlooked, because the last time I checked, slugs can't fly. I'm half expecting to come down one morning and find one of the slimy bastards doing a 'Tom Cruise' from Mission Impossible down into one of the baskets. If that happens i'm gonna eat my new inflatable boat.
Speaking of which, the new boat is awesome. I got it for the upcoming trip to the Norfolk Broads. After speaking to a few locals, funnily enough, down one of the locals. They informed me that sometimes it is difficult if not impossible to moor up along the banks of some of the more popular or just plain small stops along the way. Therefore it is not unusual to moor up in the middle of a 'broad' and then take a dinghy to shore. Sadly the 4-man inflatable I ordered was not going to be available in time, so I opted for a three man. Which should do fine, either we somehow all fit in (and hopefully don't sink) or we do two trips. I reckon it will not only be amusing, especially when we're pissed, but also a good bit of excercise.