"May you live in interesting times"
Purported to be an old Chinese curse, i would say we all live in interesting times even if you don't always see it from your own point of view. I guess it's a matter for objectivity or perspective. The fact that in order to see the light you must risk the darkness.... Even if you stub a couple toes along the way. I wouldn't go so far as to say i'm going through a Carl Jung style mid-life crisis because i'm just so darned optimistic about the future. I have no clue what i'm going to be doing next year, although if current plans hold i will be getting married, so that's at least one thing for the diary.
I don't really know if i'm educated or ignorant, talented or lucky but i do know what i like and i won't betray my principles for anything, ever. Surely that's got to count for something down the line. By that i don't mean the afterlife, i'm not going to live like a Paragon my whole life just to find out that all the molecules that came together by chance to create me will eventually have a collective Epic Fail and drift apart back to nothingness. Making the equation of my life return to it's equilibrium and in the grand cosmic scale of things it will have been worthless.... At least from my point of view. I'll tell you what, when we get there we can talk about it as long as you like.
What my future holds? Who knows. What your future holds? That's another question, one i will try and help answer when i join the Psychic channel in a few weeks.... It's on the cards.
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